The Latina Book Club welcomes author Terri Molina, who is guest blogging with us today about myths and superstitions, and why she adds them to her writing whenever she can. Welcome, Terri! Several years ago I was visiting my sister, Becky, in Illinois. At the time my niece was taking classes to get confirmed in the Catholic Church. As a sponsor I went with my sister to one of the classes (it was so long ago, I don’t remember the class). As an exercise in introduction, the teacher asked everyone in the class--about ten-fifteen people, to write their name--first or last-- on the whiteboard then choose a letter in our name and in five seconds come up with a word to describe us. So, I wrote my name T-E-R-R-I and under the I, I wrote intuitive. It was the first thing to pop into my head and at the time, I wasn’t even sure what it meant much less if it was true. I mean, I’ve never been the type to rush into anything. I’m not an emotional thinker, I don’t wear my heart on m...