The Latina Book Club welcomes author René Colato Laínez and chats with him about his new book and illegal aliens. Q: Congratulations on your new book, MAMÁ THE ALIEN/ MAMÁ LA EXTRATERRESTE. We love how your books are bilingual. Do you write the Spanish version first or the English? René Colato Laínez : Thank you! I am so happy that MAMÁ THE ALIEN/ MAMÁ LA EXTRATERRESTE is ready to fly and visit homes, classrooms and libraries. When I am writing a story for the first time, I write it in English or Spanish. When it is time to submit the manuscript for publication, my agent always submit an English manuscript. I work on that manuscript with my editor until it is ready to print. It is until then, when I translate the manuscript from English to Spanish. Q: Thanks to you and many other diverse authors, our children are finally seeing books with heroes that look like them. When you were growing up...