Every Wednesday The Latina Book Club will feature excerpts from exciting novels by Latino authors. This excerpt seems most apropos because of the death of the real Fidel Castro this past week. THE DEATH OF FIDEL PEREZ By Elizabeth Huergo Unbridled Books *Excerpt One particular good citizen, Saturnina, was squatting on a doorstep just a few blocks away, feeding a hard biscuit to a hungry stray dog, when she heard the news that Fidel and his brother had fallen. Saturnina rose from her corolla of ragged skirts and began to walk toward the throng of people gathering before the building and spilling over into the street, blocking the morning traffic. Though she could see nothing of what had happened, in a swirl of petticoats and skirts she began to mimic the words she heard: “¡Socorro! ¡Fidel calló! Help! Fidel has fallen!” Saturnina, Sybil of the succulent bit of news that lodges like a string of pork gristle in the space betwee...