The Latina Book Club ends its week-long celebration of multicultural children's books and diverse books. We hope you enjoy them and share them with your children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, et al. Happy Reading.---mcf
"He listened to their voices welcoming him, speaking to him as brothers. A wave of mystical recognition swept over Diego. He felt weak at the knees with the discovery of his identity. It wasn't every day a sixth grade boy found out he might be on a collision course with an unknown destiny."
Crying Cougar Press |
DIEGO'S DRAGON is magnificent, adventurous, and enchanting. And, it won second place in Young Adult Fantasy at the 12th International Latino Book Awards in 2012.
DIEGO'S DRAGON is Book 1 of the author's new fantasy/sci fi series starring a 10 year old Mexican boy named Diego and a surly dragon named Magnifico. The author does a great job of mixing magic and reality. Readers of all ages will be captivated by Diego, his dragon, his close-knit family and his friends.
Kevin Gerard got the idea for the series when he visited some California middle schools and was asked to bring a gift for a lucky student. He gave the student a dragon statue. What also struck the author at the time was the fact that there were few books for children with Latino boys as heroes. One thought let to another and suddenly inspiration struck: what if a young boy is awarded a dragon, and it comes to life? And so a series is born and a Latino boy becomes a hero!
SUMMARY: Diego Ramirez wins the district wide writing contest for six graders, and is awarded a beautiful statue of a black dragon. Little does Diego know that his prize will change his world forever. For that is not just a statue. Magnifico is a real, fire-breathing dragon, and the leader of the Sol Dragones who live within the magical fires of the sun. The Dragon has been looking for the Chosen One, the Guide that will help free a people from desolation. But first Diego must believe in his dragon, in himself and in his destiny.###
AUTHOR: Kevin Gerard lives in San Diego,
CA. He teaches sociology and statistics
at Cal State San Marcos. When not writing or teaching, he enjoys walking the
grounds at the San Diego Zoo, hitting the waves at Cardiff State Beach and hanging
with his brother, nieces and nephews at the local pizza port. Look for him in
the rocket games as Seefra, the Master of Darkness, from The Connor and the
Crosswords Fantasy Series. To learn more
about this author, Diego and dragons, visit