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Showing posts from June, 2010


Today is the day!  In case you have not heard, the movie "Eclipse" debuts today.  It is the third installment of the TWILIGHT series.  And so with a nod to Edward Cullen, the new Prince of Darkness, I would like to play tribute to two vampyres -- two Latin Lovers!! -- who came before him and still reign. They are none other than Frank Langella and Antonio Banderas. Frank Langella's Dracula on the big screen and on Broadway seduced millions of women around the world.  It's those eyes.  They say, be mine, and so you are.  Lucy, Mina and I could not say no.  Could you? Antonio Banderas as Armand in Anne Rice's "Interview with a Vampire" was sexy as hell.  The man, the vampyre, is seduction personified.  Definitely a Latin Lover worth sticking your neck out for -- pun intended. For a complete list of my favorite Hollywood vampyres, please check out my blog post on The Four Horsewomen of the Metropolis. Who is your favor...


MEMORIES is Gabriel Garcia Marquez' latest work after a 10-year hiatus. The writing is lyrical and fast-paced, but this book wins no prizes from me. Thankfully, it's a short read -- only 115 pages so one can read it in two days tops. This book could have been entitled, “What I did the Year I Turned 100.” Written like a long essay, it’s the story of an old man on the brink of senility, who buys himself a young 14-year old virgin to celebrate his centennial. Their night of passion is unconsummated but it transforms our respectable hero into an irrational and obsessive lover. He continues to visit his Sleeping Beauty, who sleeps through ALL their encounters (if you can believe it!). He decorates their love shack with books and antiques, and even gives her a name, Delgadina. A dead body brings chaos and separation. And when our hero finds his Sleeping Beauty again, he trades all he has to be with her, because he finally realizes that he is old and doesn’t want to die alone and ...


Latina magazine has issued it's Top 10 summer books to read at the beach. I am happy to report that 6 of the 10 are on my Summer Reading List.   Great minds think alike, no? Here's the link:   Latina's Top 10 Beach Reads . Whichever books you decide on -- and, you will have time for more than one! --, Happy Reading.♥ Foto credit:  I took this picture at Anasco Beach, Puerto Rico.  That's my sister Diana strolling in the surf.


I have compiled all the books recommended during the May Book Giveaway.  I've even added a little tag line to help you go through the selections.  The books are in alphabetical order by author.   Happy Reading!--mcf Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende Historical novel set in Chile mid-1800s about how a woman’s search for her lost love leads to a journey of self-discovery. The House Of Spirits by Isabel Allende Saga about a proud passionate family, the Truebas. The Island Beneath the Sea by Isabel Allende Historical novel about slavery from Haiti to Cuba to New Orleans. Evenings at the Argentine Club by Julia Amante Childhood friends fall in love in Southern California. Little Nuggets of Wisdom By Chuy Bravo, Tom Brunelle He may be short, but Chuy has tall Hollywood tales to tell and "little nuggets" of advice on finances, friendship and fashion. A hoot. Goodbye to All That by Margo Candela Heroine struggles to juggle work and family. A ...


Hola.  I've updated our look.  The blue was too dark and hard on the eyes.  Our new look is bright and very easy to read.  I hope you think so too. Enjoy and Happy Reading!  --Maria


Congratulations to Diana! Diana has won the 3-book giveaway. And "Thank You" to all who entered the contest.  Please stop by again next week for a Summer Reading List.  I'm putting together a list of what everyone was reading and it looks promising. --mcf

Book Review: GOD'S SPY by Juan Gomez Jurado

GOD’S SPY is a fiery sensational thriller by Spanish author Juan Gomez-Jurado. It is set in the holy halls of Vatican City. And, before you even think it, let me state up front that this is NOT another takeoff on Dan Brown. The novels may both be set in Rome during the Pope’s death, but the stories are as different as --- oh, why not? – angels and demons. GOD’S SPY is packed with fast-paced action, realistic characters (some sadistically so!) and a shocking climax. I started reading and I could not put this book down. It’s a real page-turner. SUMMARY:    Italian police profiler Paola Dicanti is on the hunt for a serial killer targeting cardinals at Vatican City following the Pope's death. Help comes in the mysterious persona of one Father Anthony Fowler, an American priest and ex-CIA agent.  Anthony knows the killer – another priest! Father Victor Karosky is a pedophilic priest with a history of violence. He escaped from an American institution and now is on t...


The International Latino Book Awards are presented during BookExpo America by Latino Literacy Now.  LLN is a a non-profit organization that supports and promotes literacy and literary excellence within the Latino community.  The organization created the Latino Book Awards in 1999.  This year's awards were presented on May 25, 2010.  Awards were given to English, Spanish and Bilingual books.  Below is a short list of the winners.  Congratulations to All the Winners!! --mcf BEST FIRST BOOK -- ENGLISH Damas, Dramas and Ana Ruiz by Belinda Acosta (Grand Central Publishing) BEST FIRST BOOK -- SPANISH  -- A tie! La Estrella de David by Daniel de Cordova (Anura Group) and Cuentos del Norte, Historia del Sol Hemi by Garcia Linares (Casa Tomada) BEST NOVEL -- ROMANCE -- ENGLISH Vigil by Cecilia Samartin (Atria Books) BEST YOUNG ADULT FICTION -- ENGLISH Clara...Encountering Life by Gabriela Garcia-Williams (self published) BEST CHILDREN'S PICTU...