The Latina Book Club congratulates Linda LaRoche on her first book. DUST UNTO SHADOW is the story of immigrants returning to their homeland and not being as welcomed as they thought they’d be. Linda has gracious shared an excerpt with us via video. Enjoy! EXCERPT! To hear an excerpt read by the author, click here . Q: Congratulations on your first book. We understand your grandmother and mom inspired the book. Tell us how? What is the book about? LINDA LAROCHE: My mother inspired the book and her immediate family. From the time I was a child I had an interest in genealogy and would ask my parents and grandmothers questions about their growing up years. In the early 1990's while living in Berlin, I had the opportunity to explore my creativity- I trained as a method actor and made a living from having a small part on a television series and commercials, A friend suggested that we do our genealogy throu...