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Showing posts from February, 2016


      It’s Valentine’s Week and here at The Latina Book Club we believe in celebrating love and romance every day of the year with family, friends and lovers.   Our celebration can be as simple as hugging a niece and nephew to giving chocolate covered cherries to our favorite aunt to dinner for two in bed to reading a romance novel. And we love romance novels!  We’ve been reading them since high school and they continue to be our favorites because of the guaranteed happy ending.  And, it certainly helps that romances come in all categories -- suspense, paranormal, historical, science fiction, etc. – so the thrill is never gone. The Latina Book Club is happy to welcome award-winning romance writer Mia Sosa as our Valentine’s Day guest blogger , who shares with us her thoughts on romance and why February 14 is just another day in her house. And for your reading pleasure, we’d like to share some of the romances on our shelves by ...


   The Latina Book Club welcomes author Mia Sosa as our first guest blogger of the New Year. She gives us the scoop on her Valentine’s Day traditions and her new romance novel. Happy Reading! Romance shouldn’t start and end on February 14. – Mia Sosa Mia Sosa I’m a romance author, and today is Valentine’s Day, so on this day in particular the conditions are ripe for smoking-hot romance in my life, right? Wrong. I have a confession to make: Valentine’s Day is just another day in our household. Hopefully you’re not gasping in shock, because that would be, well, a bit dramatic. But if you’re surprised, stick with me and I’ll explain why my confession shouldn’t be all that surprising. My husband and I are college sweethearts. Which means we did what many people do when they’re young and in love (and nauseating). Even though we saw each other nearly every day, we sent each other several love letters each week—and because this was before the age...


Atria Books Spanish Today is the Chinese New Year.   We welcome the Year of the Monkey. Now, whether you started your New Year in January or now in February, we are sure one of the things that has crossed your mind – maybe to add to your “New Year’s Resolutions” – is to get fit. Univision Nutritionist and Fitness Trainer Claudia Molina and her new book on juicing and exercise can help you get started.  JUGOSA Y FIT may be in Spanish, but fitness in any language is important.  The book is full of wonderful and nutritious recipes, as well as exercise routines for everyone.  (English translation is in the works.) Claudia encourages everyone to drink natural juices because they are easier for your body to absorb and are quick to energize you. Besides, if you want a killer body like hers, then you want to juice and exercise. I got a Nutra Bullet for my birthday in November and I am loving juicing.  I add a hint of ginger to all my juice comb...


The Latina Book Club congratulates author Eddie Cisneros   on the second book is his HIS-PANIC trilogy.   We are happy to share an excerpt with our readers. HIS-PANIC: Exit to Boogie Down By Eddie Cisneros Excerpt "I sluggishly walked around the neighborhood. The last few days had been disheartening to say the least. I was starting to second guess whether or not this whole drug life I'd become a part of was really something worthwhile anymore. There were mixed emotions running through my head. I felt lost and confused. That simple infatuation of selling drugs and making money had turned against me, betraying me. More so, was the fact that I now had a great deal of trust issues swirling. I remember talking with Taz while hanging out at Jerome Park one night. I was able to open up about a lot of things, about my argument with Duckie and the whole situation with Rosemary and her brother. I explained to him that I really thought m...


Cinco Punto Press The real Cuba—the one that existed between the cracks, the one that was full of poverty, suffering and hopelessness—was revolting. It angered him that people allowed it to exist. – Frank SOFRITO is a fun, entertaining and suspenseful novel that is bound to become a favorite with foodies and readers alike. This book has everything – mystery, espionage, romance, and an exciting trip to Cuba. Each chapter starts with an actual quote from celebrities which adds flavor and authenticity to the book. Readers are in for a favorable treat. SUMMARY:  Frank Delgado, his brother and cousin own a restaurant in the Bronx that is going belly up. They are desperate for a solution to save their father’s legacy, when a crazy idea comes to them – go to Cuba and find a secret chicken recipe guaranteed to bring in customers. It’s supposed to be an easy trip, Frank would bribe one of the kitchen staff to sell him the secret ingredients and then return home. But t...