It’s Valentine’s Week and here at The Latina Book Club we believe in celebrating love and romance every day of the year with family, friends and lovers. Our celebration can be as simple as hugging a niece and nephew to giving chocolate covered cherries to our favorite aunt to dinner for two in bed to reading a romance novel. And we love romance novels! We’ve been reading them since high school and they continue to be our favorites because of the guaranteed happy ending. And, it certainly helps that romances come in all categories -- suspense, paranormal, historical, science fiction, etc. – so the thrill is never gone. The Latina Book Club is happy to welcome award-winning romance writer Mia Sosa as our Valentine’s Day guest blogger , who shares with us her thoughts on romance and why February 14 is just another day in her house. And for your reading pleasure, we’d like to share some of the romances on our shelves by ...