The Latina Book Club is proud to release its 6 th Annual Books of the Year List. We are always happy to discover new Latinx authors like Ingrid Rojas Contreras, whose FRUIT OF THE DRUNKEN TREE made a big debut in English and Spanish. There are also new books from favorite authors like Luis Alberto Urrea’s new THE HOUSE OF THE BROKEN ANGELS or Torrey Maldonado’s TIGHT. We were also happy to discover Latinx authors in all genres --- paranormals, thrillers, mysteries, romances, young adult books, etc. Please review this list of Books of the Year. We guarantee that you’ll find a good book for kids of all ages. With the New Year upon us, we might need to make room on the shelves for more books. Please consider donating books to your child’s/ niece’s school or neighborhood library. You can also share books with friends at the office or at social functions. The Latina Book Club wishes everyone a Happy Holiday and all the very best for a Happy 2019!