Congratulations to our friend author Tor rey Maldonado for being named one of the Top Ten Latino Authors to Read and Watch for 2012 by LatinoStories . Here's what they had to say about Torrey and his book: Torrey Maldonado's book [SECRET SATURDAYS] is one of the great success stories of the year. Given all the negative press that teachers have received in these difficult economic times, it's great to see a talent like Mr. Maldonado emerge. Following in the tradition of school teachers like Wally Lamb, whose debut grabbed national attention, this author is sure to continue to impress. This is a heartfelt story about a twelve-year old boy growing up in Brooklyn housing projects with a voice that is captured with great sensitivity. To see what other authors made Latino Stories' Top Ten List, click here . To read The Latina Book Club's interview with Torrey, click here . Congratulations again, Torrey. It is wel...