Libros Publishing, 2013 "Never forget our ceremonies and hide the rest of our icons and our precious ancestors, for they alone will speak the truth to use." -- Inca Emperor Manco Capac “They were here on this spot trying to find love. This was their last shot, and none of the women was prepared to lie down in defeat like the famed woman of the Dead Woman’s Pass. Each was struck as if by a lightning bolt, and understood that if there were such a thing as a soul mate, he had to be here on this Inca Trail—or no such thing existed at all.” -- MISSING IN MACHU PICCHU I love Cecilia Velastegui’s books! They are always an adventure. Velastegui is a master at weaving anthropological history and modern tales in such a way that the reader doesn’t realize she/he has been given a history lesson. The narrative is rich and detailed; her characters are realistic and appealing; and her plot lines are gold. MISSING IN MACHU PICCHU is her best novel to date, which is probab...