Today is a day to remember our Soldiers and thank them for the freedoms we enjoy. Here's a group that will NOT be forgotten, ever. Click here to view the film trailer. The 65th Infantry Regiment was created in 1899 by the U.S. Congress as a segregated unit composed primarily of Puerto Ricans with mostly continental officers. The 65th fought in three wars: World War I, World War II and the Korean War. The unit was nicknamed the “ Borinqueneers ” after the island of Puerto Rico. The native Taino Indians called their island Borinquen, which means “land of the brave lord.” The 65th performed impressively in all the wars, particularly the Korean War for which they earned high praise from General MacArthur for always giving 200%. The 65th Regiment showed outstanding resilience and legendary fierceness as combatants, even as they faced discrimination within the Army. In the fall of 1952, the Borinqueneers were at the center of a series of dramatic events that thr...