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Showing posts from November, 2014

REVIEW: THE GHOSTS OF HERO STREET: How One Small Mexican-American Community Gave So Much in World War II and Korea by Carlos Harrison

In honor of Veteran's Day, The Latina Book Club would like to take a moment to say "Thank You" to all the men and women who have served and continue to serve in this country's armed forces around the world.   We thank you for our liberty and our freedom, and we wish you come home soon, safe and sound.   God bless You All.---mcf All gave some. Some gave all. Carlos Harrison has written a gripping, harrowing and triumphant book about Mexican families who immigrated to a small railroad town in search of a better life.   It was rough for them--learning a new language, adapting to a new cultural, and facing discrimination at every turn.   Yet, their faith in their new country never faltered.   These "new" Americans sent 57 of their sons to fight in two fierce wars; Not all came home.   Through interviews with families and friends, Harrison introduces us to the survivors and the fallen. Heroes all. BOOK SUMMARY :   They came from one street, but...


by Jonathan Marcantoni Authors Jonathan Marcantoni and Chris Campanioni are the founders of YouNiversity.   Their first class is about to “graduate.”   It’s been a learning experience for both the students and the teachers.   The Latina Book Club congratulates Jon and Chris on their vision, and wish their graduating students much publishing success.---mcf Jonathan Marcantoni   I am a Puerto Rican writer. That is how I introduce myself. Puerto Rican first, writer second. Writing, not only the practice but my entire conceptualization of the artform, is filtered through that identity. I pride myself in being a storyteller of my people, of our struggles on and off the island, of our pan-Latino community. As co-founder of Aignos Publishing, I put such a heavy emphasis on Latino literature I would receive emails from non-Latino authors asking if we signed them as well. I felt bad when I received those emails, I never meant to be exclusive, and it plan...


November is National Novel Writing Month  aka NaNoWriMo. The challenge is to write 50,000 words -- basically a 250 page novel! -- in the 30 days of November. I urge all Latino writers, especially the wanna-be writers, to take advantage of this opportunity and write, write, write.  Don't edit.  Don't revise.  Don't over think it.   Just write. We need more books with diverse characters, and in OUR case, Latino characters.  So start writing your own novel today.  It can be a children's book, a young adult, a memoir, a romance, a paranormal, a vampire can be anything.  Just add some Latino flavor! Register for NaNoWriMo at .  You can still "enter" the challenge. I too am taking up this challenge and have started my own novel with a sassy Latina heroine and a Latino hero that can cook!   Once you enter NaNoWriMo, make me one of your Writing Buddies; my moniker is "lovebooksmaven."   Very Lati...