A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. –Marcus Garvey We’re not taught anything that we contributed to this country and we’ve been around for 500 years . – John Leguizamo I get my energy and strength from the spirit and words of my ancestors, from my mother’s spirit that shines so bright, and from the unconditional love and support of my father and family. –Yvette Modestin My great strength is knowing who I am and where I come from, my island. –Oscar de la Renta Celebrating Latinx Heritage Month by looking at some books on Latinx history in the U.S. In 2014, for the first time in history the majority of students were non-white. Finally, some educators were able to start teaching history that included the contributions of marginalized peoples. It’s a start. It’s a wave. A storm is coming, and we are the storm. AN AFRICAN AMERICAN AND LATINX HISTORY OF T...