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by Ricky Martin
Celebra Books
(this book is also available in Spanish)

February is the month of Love, of Romance. I thought to pick a love story for our Book of the Month but that seemed so…ordinary.  Instead, I’ve chosen to shine the spotlight on a man, but no ordinary man – this one is a hunk, a superstar, an icon, a father.  He is….


The International Superstar, ex Menudo boy-toy opens up about his life, his loves and his sexuality. This memoir spans his years as a child sensation to his wild ride “Livin’ the Vida Loca” to his devotion to helping children around the world to becoming a father himself.

ME by Ricky Martin is honest, intimate, touching, funny and revealing. All the things a real man should be, no matter his sexual orientation. Don’t you agree?

Visit Ricky at his website:  He is also on Facebook and Twitter.

To see his new video, click here.

And do check out his new album, MAS.  It stands for Musica, Alma, Sexo -- in English, Music, Soul, Sex.  Definitely what the month of February is all about!

Happy Valentine's Day, Ricky.    Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

DO LEAVE A COMMENT. Let us know how you liked the book or share with us your favorite Ricky Martin song.


Caridad Pineiro said…
I don't normally read non-fiction or bios, but I think it would be interesting to read about Ricky's life in the spotlight. It could not have been easy. As for my favorite - Livin' La Vida Loca for sure.
Admin said…
Livin' la vida loca....

Bloggin' la vida soccer ...

I want Ricky to sing it a new way.
Oh, first, this guy comes out of the closet, now he comes out in print?! What else could we learn from him that we don't already know? Mmm, curious.
Julia Lourdes said…
I thought I knew everything there was to know about Ricky Martin. I was wrong.

Having followed him from his first days in Menudo till today, you still don't know it all.

This book fills in all the blanks and then some. I laughed, I cried and applauded him for his honesty.

You can "hear" him when you read it. Truly beautiful.

Bravo Ricky, bravo!
Mayra Calvani said…
I watched him on Oprah the other day. He sounds like such a nice guy, really down to earth.
Thelma T. Reyna said…
Ricky Martin is not the typical celebrity, I think, with his involvements around the world with the poor and suffering. Then, from other things I've read, he's an outstanding father. With these two qualties alone, his memoir deserves to be read. Also, how many other Latino-written memoirs are out there today? Not many, I believe. Bravo to Ricky and to Maria for choosing something different.
Admin said…
This looks like a good read! I wouldn't even have thought of it. Thanks for the recommendation!